
The world's fastest dice game. Seriously almost too fast. Race other players in a mad scramble with 10 dice per player.


How it works: It seems so simple. Each player gets 10 dice, everyone rolls at the same time, the first person to get all their dice matching the same number wins. It's over in seconds, but let me tell you, it is absolute chaos. Aside from matching, there's also stacking, teamwork, and more.

Why it's clever: There is very little explanation needed. You can sit at the table with new players and have a game going in under a minute. And there are dozens of rule sets: stack your dice into a tower after rolling them, steal dice from others if they match your target number, we even found ourselves making up new challenges as we played.

We've played with young and older rollers, and everyone seems to love this one. The base Tenzi game can support up to 4 players, but they also sell a larger game with 6 sets of dice, and all games can mix-and-match. Now get rolling!

Price: $17